Monday, June 22, 2009

ex's, WTF was he thinking?

Ok I have to ask, how many of you have ex's? does not matter if they are male or female, they are still ex's...
I am not a man hater, hell I am on my third marriage so I must love those men a lot... I have been divorced from my first husband Eusebio Quintana h/m 12/30/69 and he has yet to move on. I re-married as soon as our divorce was final and got a lot of shit for it from everyone, but the story goes a little like this, it took me over five years to get away from him and his controlling mother. He also stretched out our length divorce as he wanted to insure that we were married for 10 years so he can collect off of my social security.
Well once the divorce was done I had to pay him, yes I said pay him child support as this is what happens when you have children with a piece of shit. I had to pay him only $50 bucks a month so he would have enough money to be able to feed out two children.
Well I got over paying him as he was not even keeping the boy's the amount of time that he is suppose to, so I saved and I saved and finally paid an attorney a little of four grand to take him back to court for modification. Let me see, this is when the real trouble started. I never realized how pissed off somebody would become over $50 bucks a month. Well it really started going downhill from there, he got pissed beat the crap out of one of our sons and is under supervised visitation with him. He only gets our younger son on Friday nights and we have to pick him back up from his house Sunday night. He does not have to pay any child support, insurance, deductibles, nothing means nothing. Florida is a great state with a great court system.
See my ex is on Social Security and SSI as when he was living in Puerto Rico when he was about 19 he was high on drugs and intoxicated and of course driving, he backed out of a store parking lot into oncoming traffic and was t-boned and woke up with seizures. The confusing thing is he gets SS/SSI as he can not control his seizures but yet he still was able to get his drivers license once again. He has been listed has a habitual traffic offender, DUI, Reckless Driving, Driving on suspend/revoked license. He has a large criminal history for several different things from theft, battery, assault, burglary, resisting without violence, tampering with evidence, drugs, drugs and more drugs. He doctor forges his papers so he can get a drivers license, I have already contacted Social Security, FHP, FDLE, the Governor of Florida, Mr. Crist.
Still nobody does nothing, our 16 year old son has been diagnosed with bi-polar (if it was hereditary I would be sure he got it from him, but it's not) I have worked with the school officials, theropist, childrens home society for him being violent and non compliant with school. We were lucky and finally got approval for him to be placed in a facility in Orlando, still cant believe somebody else is paying the $10,000 for the four month program that has worked wonders with him. He is a total changed child, still sarcastic but we can live with that...
My ex is now taking me back to court for putting our son in the facility and is requesting child pickup order to take full custody of this child. His momma most have dropped him on his head, he is a drug addic and verbally and physically abusive person.
He only wants to gain custody of our one son to be able to put him on welfare, yea I forgot to mention that fact that he was collecting a few years ago child support from me, and the state and food stamps and medicare. Turned him in when they send me a notice saying they were going to suspend my license and put a lean on my house. He did no jail time in that case either, he has to pay them back a couple of dollars a month as he is on SS/SSI so they can not make him pay to much.
What the hell has the world come to when they let people like him do this and keep getting away with it?
Is he ever going to be held accountable for his actions? he violence? really it has to stop, we have tried to get non-expiring injunctions but could only get for short periods of time. What does he have to do? Kill one of us? Well we have had enough of his and his mothers bullshit to last a life time.
People becareful of who you get involved with, sometimes they never go away and for him to keep bugging me is retarded as he has to pay nothing, I pay everything, I dont call him, I do nothing what so ever toward him and he keeps coming after me.
I have to go to court in July, no money for an attorney...pray for me to chose my words correctly and for the judge to finally wake up and see this mans records, he has over 39 cases in osceola county court house. Dont believe me, look him up....also has been arrested 14 or 15 times.
Yea would you say he is father of the year matterial? I think not, our family has had enough and we want this nightmare to stop.
Wish we could make a bill/law reference to ex's all have to be shipped far far away and can never call or show start my destiny of Parent's against ex's!!!!

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